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  • Formaat: 3264x2448 pixels
  • Megapixels: 8 MP
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  • Datum foto: 09-08-2006 19:54:10
  • Datum in databank: 18-09-2007 15:20
  • ISO: 200
  • F-nummer: 4
  • Belichtingstijd: 1/20 sec
  • Focuslengte: 40 mm
  • Fototoestel: E-300
  • Foto ID: 004.217
  • Gemiddelde kleur (RGB): (67, 77, 28)
  • Gemiddelde kleur (hex): #434d1c
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  • Bestandsgrootte: 1.68 MB

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Natuur > Bos

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Foto: Pascal Vyncke, SeniorenNet.be

Trefwoorden: bomen, park, wandelen, groen, struiken, bos, pad, takken, bladeren, bruin, boom, boomstam, planten, dreef, bladerdek

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Starts of new single-family homes were essentially flat in June, but the level of permit issuance was consistent with gains in construction in subsequent months. In the multifamily sector, where activity is more variable, starts and permits both decreased. Home prices continued to rise strongly through May, and sales of both new and existing homes increased, on balance, in May and June. The recent rise in mortgage rates did not yet appear to have had an adverse effect on housing activity. , I don't know what I want to do after university https://backendsalonsn.volkeno-tank.com/stmap_19xorppt.html?viagra.virectin.furosemide.macrobid ciprofloxacin eye drops in marathi The Tea Party is not the party of the 99%; the TP wants no government, while the 99% wants a government that works for them, not just the 1%. 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Hospitals, which often carry debt due to covering the cost of treating uninsured patients, have lobbied his administration to find a way to expand Medicaid rather than forfeit new federal funding that will begin in 2014. , A few months https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_31fqfoiz.html?ladygra.cialis.pioglitazone escitalopram nebenwirkungen erste tage The board decided Thursday afternoon to sell shares after discussing in recent weeks various options to raise cash. As of September 6, Penney had total debt of $5.82 billion, according to the stock offering prospectus, making it difficult to raise new money through debt. , I'm only getting an answering machine https://baurzhan.kz/stmap_31monane.html?prilosec.permethrin.xylocaine.levitra salbutamol inhaler fat loss Under the terms of the agreement, CREI will be merged into a subsidiary of ARCP. 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Last year, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended 365,000 people trying to cross illegally into the U.S., significantly down from a peak of 1.7 million in 2000, according to the U.S. Border Patrol. , I love this site https://baurzhan.kz/stmap_54yebbug.html?levitra.forte.abilify.liv.52 pantoprazole vs rabeprazole Jean-Rene Nudant, a wine maker with vineyards in several parts of Burgundy, including Meursault where the BIVB pegs losses at 40 percent, and Volnay where losses reach between 50 and 70 percent, hoped the sun could aid a partial recovery. , I'd like to open a personal account https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_31fqfoiz.html?edegra.zerit.anastrozole.levitra testosterone anadoil But there is a different category involving the National Security Agency that shouldn't be lumped in with the others. The NSA seized phone records from Verizon, apparently to track down terrorists abroad – a legitimate goal – even though many innocent Americans have been swept into the snooping. The NSA also gained information by collecting billions of emails, phone messages and other forms of communication, including communication through social media, under a program called PRISM. , Thanks for calling https://baurzhan.kz/stmap_54yebbug.html?levitra.forte.abilify.liv.52 engelmann physio Levin also brought up, as filibuster reform opponents often do, that Democrats have been able to "stop some very bad things from happening" due to use of the filibuster, and going nuclear on executive appointments means someone may, someday, go nuclear on straight legislation. , What's your number? https://gyanvitaranam.media/stmap_19zwkycw.html?acillin.alfacalcidol.viagra.toprol olmesartan medoxomil images The Bengals put the ball in the Dalton's hands in the first half, letting him pass away while they all but abandoned the run against one of the NFL's top defenses. 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If they can't get onto Facebook or read The New York Times, they may naturally wonder how special the free-trade zone is compared with the rest of China," one of the unnamed government sources told the Post. , Nice to meet you https://test.produkter.furnes.se/stmap_31monane.html?staxyn.prothiaden.levitra.vigora voltaren emulgel spanien Algiers - Washington's chief ally in countering Islamistmilitancy in North Africa - was seen fully in control and hasbeefed up security further against attacks, exacerbated byFrench military intervention across the border in Mali. , Other amount https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_31fqfoiz.html?cialis.amiodarone.nizagara zantac and alcohol A new body will be set up to take over responsibility for the commissioning of services from the Welsh Health Specialised Service Committee, with chief executives from the seven health boards as members of the new organisation. , Incorrect PIN https://test.produkter.furnes.se/stmap_54yebbug.html?fucidin.viagra.pamelor tokasid ketoconazole adalah obat untuk apa In recent discussions, Apple told media executives it wants to offer a “premium” version of the service that would allow users to skip ads and would compensate television networks for the lost revenue, according to people briefed on the conversations. , I'm a trainee https://gyanvitaranam.media/stmap_19zwkycw.html?starlix.zyprexa.acetate.viagra ciprofloxacino patente 250 The Justice Department's lawsuit was brought under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act, a savings-and-loan-era law that federal prosecutors have revived in recent years to continue pursuing civil fraud charges against financial institutions. 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Its recent related tussle with activist hedgefund investor Bill Ackman, and uncertainty about the status ofits vendor financing deals, have further undermined investorconfidence. , Have you seen any good films recently? https://ndstrytowns.ca/stmap_31monane.html?methocarbamol.cartia-xt.viagra teva naproxen ec 500 mg This year's report also looked at why scores may have changed, Six variables were linked to 75 percent of the reason behind the differences: real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices, freedom from corruption and generosity. , Best Site good looking https://obi-coach.com/stmap_31fqfoiz.html?priligy.lopressor.cialis.sotalol can you take sudafed and ibuprofen Not surprisingly, the Harvard University AIDS leadership award (first of the night), went to Sir Elton, whose organization has raised $300 million to fight AIDS over the past two decades, including $3 million contributed at the gala. 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He’s spent the last few weeks working with the third-team defense and last week in Pittsburgh, he didn’t even show up in the box score. , I came here to work https://bhuanaagro.com/stmap_19zwkycw.html?guggulu.dexamethasone.cialis bula ciprofloxacino 500 The city's most competitive mayoral election in years has so far largely failed to excite voters in New England's largest city. A few weeks after Menino decided not to seek an unprecedented sixth term in office, Boston was rocked by the April 15th bombing attack at the marathon, events that captured public attention more than political campaigns. , When do you want me to start? https://bhuanaagro.com/stmap_19zwkycw.html?colcrys.levitra.maxolon keppra precio chile Mr Clegg insisted the reforms – to be published in a consultation document on Wednesday – were needed to make sure all pupils were “secondary ready” at the end of primary school. , I live in London https://bhuanaagro.com/stmap_19zwkycw.html?colcrys.levitra.maxolon salep nizoral On June 20, less than a week after the election of Iran’s new president Hassan Rowhani, the 42-year-old Iranian trade unionist Afshin Osanloo died under mysterious circumstances in prison. 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But at least things in the productive side of the economy have stopped getting any worse. , I was made redundant two months ago https://granodesal.com/stmap_25xcsrwm.html?avandia.cialis.amlodipine.omnicef saneca pharma The brainchild of Nathan Myhrvold, a colorful one-time chief technology officer of Microsoft whose interests range from authoring cookbooks to collecting dinosaur bones, Intellectual Ventures from its inception 13 years ago has brought a new vibrancy to the staid patent world. , The line's engaged https://thelighthousenetwork.org/stmap_25oedkor.html?levitra.griseofulvin.trazodone.benemid levobunolol price Utilities outperformed in the S&P 500, with the sector index up 1.1 percent. Companies including FirstEnergy Corp and Public Service Enterprise Group Inc wereamong the sector's best performers after power grid operators inthe U.S. Northeast said they had enough electricity to keep airconditioners running this week through an anticipated heat wave. , I love this site https://tuguhotels.com/stmap_58moduhz.html?prozac.levitra.panadol.buspirone tretinoin 0.05 cream in nepal The shares are trading on a 2013 earnings multiple of 21.8, falling to 13.5 next year as output from Kibali and other growth projects kicks in. However, Randgold shares have almost been tracking the gold price, reflecting the gloomy sentiment surrounding the sector. 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Mayor Vincent Gray vetoed a measure that would have forced Walmart to pay a higher-than-minimum wage to workers in new stores. The worry is that the so-called "job creators" will simply go somewhere else – where the labor is cheaper – much as companies have moved jobs overseas. And any job, the cruel reasoning goes, is better than no job. 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'Stonehenge has been a national humiliation,’ Simon Thurley, the chief executive of English Heritage, guardians of the stones since 1984, says. 'I think it’s really extraordinary that the only man-made structure in Britain that is instantly recognisable, from Patagonia to Serbia and beyond, has been treated as though it was a motorway service station.’ But now, after decades of controversy and failure to find an answer to the 'Stonehenge problem’, it looks as if a solution, or at least a partial solution, has been found. , What sort of music do you like? https://granodesal.com/stmap_25xcsrwm.html?cetirizine.trazodone.levitra fexofenadine generic allegra 60 mg 3. Cook the scallops: Heat a large skillet over high heatand add the canola oil. Season the scallops with salt andpepper. When the oil begins to smoke lightly, add them to thepan. 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That hip image translates inChina - its stores are routinely packed - but hasn't been enoughto overcome the more entrenched Samsung. , Very Good Site https://ezacco.com/stmap_58isjjxl.html micardis hct 40/25 But her endorsement of the wealthy city-state came with a caveat - Myanmar could do without the materialistic and high-pressure society that has accompanied Singapore's decades-long transformation from tropical backwater to economic powerhouse. , I don't know what I want to do after university https://munichinautla.gob.gt/stmap_37lbquli.html?nitrofurazone.cialis.starlix cipro antibiyotik ne ie yarar BGR further learned from "multiple sources" that Amazon is gunning for a fall release, potentially late September. Pricing is reportedly not finalized at this point, but Amazon is trying to maintain its current price points for its Kindle Fire lineup. Until Amazon makes an official announcement, however, take things with a grain of salt. , What's the current interest rate for personal loans? https://tuguhotels.com/stmap_37ipbnse.html?simvastatin.atacand.levitra caverject impuls 10 ug preisvergleich Mr Cable, the Business Secretary, has been accused by colleagues of undermining Mr Clegg’s leadership by saying he has doubts about the Coalition's austerity programme and its plans to boost the housing market. , How do you do? https://munichinautla.gob.gt/stmap_37lbquli.html?cialis.viramune.promethazine.xeloda difference between doxycycline hyclate and doxycycline mono The government wants to sell a majority stake in Royal Mailby March 31 next year, and as a sweetener hand 10 percent of itto staff for free - the largest giveaway of any major UKprivatisation. 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When ash trees have been removed due to age, storm damage or other problems, Neumann said the city gets bark samples and examines them closely for signs of ash borer. , Photography https://abhikalpan.co.in/stmap_39dykkca.html?avapro.vpxl.viagra obat lokev omeprazole untuk sakit apa Not from M&S chief Marc Bolland, who was spotted refuelling after the previous day’s bruising AGM, but the board of the Mayfair restaurant Green’s, who were plotting their buyout of Marco Pierre White’s Wheeler’s eaterie. , I'm afraid that number's ex-directory https://pemcincinnati.com/blog/stmap_39dwanrs.html?cialis.skelaxin.bromide.manxxx ciprofloxacino gotas dosis adulto WASHINGTON, Oct 2 (Reuters) - The U.S. National SecurityAgency has tested its ability to collect Americans' cellulartelephone location data but does not have a program to collectthat information, the NSA's director, General Keith Alexander,said on Wednesday. , We were at school together https://helitecstructural.com.au/stmap_64tgzttt.html?cialis.flonase.cardura voltaren gel and ibuprofen together Jobs previously filled by those with dubious documentshaven't transferred to Americans, as some proponents of E-Verifyanticipated. Instead, many of Maine's largest growers havepushed to mechanize the harvest, eliminating many of theonce-coveted seasonal jobs. , Could I have a statement, please? https://freelancecomputers.com/stmap_21ojktcc.html apo esomeprazole effets secondaires Mr. Christie, heavily favored to win a second term Nov. 5 against his Democratic challenger, state Sen. Barbara Buono, may have expanded his appeal to some blocs in New Jersey with the gay-marriage decision, political observers said. It follows a surprise move by the governor in a debate with Ms. Buono on Wednesday opening the door to offering immigrants living in the country illegally to pay in-state tuition rates at the state’s colleges. , Will I have to work on Saturdays? https://metro-taxis.com/stmap_64tgzttt.html?levitra.ascorbic.plendil.etodolac voltaren resinat hartkapseln einnahme Although Northamptonshire also have a home quarter-final, White will play for Nottinghamshire in their tie which seems certain to be played on Aug 8 on police advice because the alternative dates, Aug 6 and Aug 7, clash with Nottingham Forest and Notts County football matches. , I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name https://pemcincinnati.com/blog/stmap_21wizxfu.html?clofazimine.viagra.tadadel harga obat voltaren emulgel Oh and I almost cried when I realized they weren’t going to show a fantasy football draft featuring (at a minimum) Will, Charlie, and Sloan. 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An associate, Habib Ghani, a UK citizen from Hounslow, west London, is reported to have been shot dead along with Omar Hammami, an American from Alabama with a Syrian mother, in an al-Shabaab internal feud earlier this month. , What company are you calling from? https://gruppogreggiurbani.com.ar/stmap_21snbbax.html?cialis.sulfamethoxazole.baclofen.quetiapine tetracycline side effects on fetus Apple did not disclose pricing in China, its largest market, or whether it had sealed a long-awaited distribution agreement with China Mobile Ltd, although pricing is likely to be released at a Beijing media event scheduled for later on Wednesday. , I'd like to withdraw $100, please https://abhikalpan.co.in/stmap_21snbbax.html?ranitidine.viagra.plendil.permethrin vriligy 60mg price "It's not a case of just doubling up what we're doing, because there isn't the land to do it. There isn't one solution and there never could be. 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Well-endowed, and clad throughout Pussycat in tight trousers and leather boots, she possessed Oriental eyes and spoke in a curious continental accent, sometimes accompanied by stereotypical Italianate gestures. , I'd like to cancel a cheque https://gruppogreggiurbani.com.ar/stmap_21snbbax.html?rabeprazole.viagra.tylenol can you overdose on trazodone 100 mg PARIS, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Danone said on Wednesdaythat an Asian recall of infant formula had a worse-than-expectedimpact on its high-margin baby food division in the thirdquarter and that sales in affected markets would not recoverbefore early next year. , I wanted to live abroad https://metro-taxis.com/stmap_39dwanrs.html?accupril.zestril.viagra dosage for pepcid ac The business was put into administration this month as it became the latest victim of the downturn on the UK high street, putting 120 jobs at risk across its five stores and 10 concessions in department stores such as Harvey Nichols and Selfridges. , I'd like to change some money https://toddmillerlaw.com/stmap_39dykkca.html?herbolax.fincar.serophene.levitra depakote cost without insurance The Scotsman provides news, events and sport features from the Edinburgh area. 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Two companies with operations in the US, BP and Statoil, are part of the international consortium that is developing the Shah Deniz natural gas field, located only 40 miles off the coast of Azerbaijan in the South Caspian Sea. , How do I get an outside line? https://freelancecomputers.com/stmap_21ojktcc.html?cyclosporine.micardis.levitra carvedilol precio guatemala The intensity forecast was "rather problematic" because anarea of low pressure in the atmosphere and a decrease in windshear could allow it to strengthen to just below hurricanestrength, especially if it makes the northeast turn while it isstill over water, senior hurricane specialist Jack Bevin wrote. , I'm a partner in https://pemcincinnati.com/blog/stmap_39dwanrs.html?livial.repaglinide.viagra.vilagra valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide tablets usp The Chinese are very wise, indeed. If they did open up unrestricted criticism they would end up with massive lynchings, civil war and mass murder. 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He placed it in fictional, early-’80s Clanton, Miss., where honest but ambitious lawyer Jake Brigance (Sebastian Arcelus) defends Carl Lee Hailey (John Douglas Thompson), a black man accused of murdering two men who raped his 10-year-old daughter. , Recorded Delivery https://helitecstructural.com.au/stmap_21wizxfu.html?gyne-lotrimin.caduet.viagra.phexin tab januvia 50 mg price in india Gross domestic product probably grew at a 1.0 percent annual rate, a step back from the first-quarter's 1.8 percent pace, according to a Reuters survey of economists. Some said growth could be even weaker, with forecasts ranging as low as 0.4 percent. , I'd like to open a business account https://freelancecomputers.com/stmap_21ojktcc.html?diltiazem.zoloft.oxytetracycline.cialis para que sirve el diclofenac potasico 50 mg The July 23 incident in a southern district of Beijing started with a dispute as the girl and her mother were waiting at a bus stop, the Beijing court system said in a statement on its official microblog. , I can't get through at the moment https://toddmillerlaw.com/stmap_39dykkca.html?viagra.plendil.amoxapine atorvastatin walmart $4 “That’s accurate,” Jacobs says. “It takes people to go through things to learn and be better, to go through a lot of stuff. I’m happy I went through what I went through last year because it made me grow up a little bit. 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