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  • Datum foto: 08-03-2007 19:08:21
  • Datum in databank: 18-09-2007 15:05
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Foto: Pascal Vyncke, SeniorenNet.be

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SSE was fined £10.5m by industry regulator Ofgem in April after an investigation found the company was guilty of “prolonged and extensive” mis-selling of customer contracts. , It's a bad line https://evilpigeon.dk/stmap_37iydmeb.html?synthroid.levitra.bimatoprost.piracetam ivermectina en gotas venta en lima And lastly, if clouds obscure your view of Venus and the moon tomorrow evening, don't fret.  Your next opportunity to see them together again will come on Sept. 8.  That showing will be far more striking with the moon and Venus much closer together; less than one-third of the separation of tomorrow's encounter. , On another call https://evilpigeon.dk/stmap_24pkcjjq.html?avigra.ornidazole.viagra apcalis sx 20 mg The government has been engaged in peace talks with the FARC since November. 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Silver presides over a shop where hiding dirt and protecting the powerful is business as usual — and one of the ways that the speaker maintains leverage over his members. That culture has now led someone on Silver’s team to defy an ethics panel that Silver himself helped to establish. , I'm sorry, I'm not interested https://altreluci.com/stmap_24wriwom.html?viagra.fml.hindgra.prevacid kokanastha brahmin Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said last month the U.S. centralbank would likely start to reduce its monthly $85 billion ofbond buying later this year and probably bring it to a close bymid-2014 when the unemployment rate will likely be around 7percent. , I read a lot https://altreluci.com/stmap_18vfkjbs.html?norfloxacin.flagyl.cialis.silymarin nitrofurantoina suspension colombia The White House has launched a wide-scale review. Mueller says the FBI's close ties to the Justice Department guide what agents do and impose checks and balances on their actions. 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It had reported declining earnings in nine of the previous 13 quarters, with earnings greatly influenced by foreign assets despite most of its revenue coming from the UAE, where it competes with du. , I came here to study https://contraloria.bcs.gob.mx/stmap_37lbquli.html?viagra.vilagra.fosamax.propafenone albuterol inhalation solution for dogs Mr. Mark R. Sweeney is Senior Vice President, Controller of J. C. Penney Company, Inc., since September 5, 2012. Prior to joining the Company, he was Vice President and Operational Controller of General Electric Company from 2008 to 2012. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy, LLC from 2004 to 2008 and Global Controller of General Electric’s Energy Division from 1997 to 2004. Prior to joining General Electric, Mr. Sweeney held financial leadership positions with PepsiCo, Inc. from 1995 to 1997 and previously was a senior manager with KPMG LLP. , Will I get travelling expenses? https://evilpigeon.dk/stmap_24pkcjjq.html?cialis.vepesid.mesterolone.neem penomet pump gaiters According to Statoil's report, written by staff and externalsecurity experts including a former acting director of the U.S.Central Intelligence Agency, the long-running dispute overcontracts worsened in November when the hunger strike began. , I'd like to send this letter by https://mokameleman.com/stmap_38ilarsy.html?diarex.cialis.remeron.malegra-dxt mometasone furoate topical solution usp para que sirve More importantly, advertisers covet the male viewer that Fox Sports 1 intends to target. Media buyers say the popularity of live sporting events leaves plenty of room for a new round-the-clock sports channel. , Thanks funny site https://asianwhiteskin.com/stmap_38ilarsy.html?cephalexin.cialis.azulfidine.estrace ibuprofen cipla 200 mg The firm said it would continue to target underlyingearnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation(EBITDA) of 310 million pounds for 2013-14, before a charge forbonus share schemes, as it focuses on integrating recentacquisitions in the UK, Austria and the Baltic region. , I'd like , please https://asianwhiteskin.com/stmap_38ilarsy.html?cephalexin.cialis.azulfidine.estrace levocetirizine hexal 5 mg It was to one of these last that our puzzled correspondent now decided to turn. He procured a copy of “Imagine: How Creativity Works,” the 2012 bestseller by the ex-wunderkind Jonah Lehrer, whose résumé includes a Rhodes scholarship, a tour of duty at The New Yorker and two previous books about neuroscience and decision-making. (There was also a scandal concerning some made-up quotes in “Imagine,” but our correspondent was determined to tiptoe around that.) Settling into a hot bath — well known for its power to trigger outside-the-box thoughts — he opened his mind to the young master. , I've got a part-time job https://appes.com.br/v2/stmap_72pkzsdq.html?tricor.viagra.metoprolol acyclovir price Tweeter Home Entertainment Group, a specialty consumer electronics company that went bankrupt in 2007, saw a its most active day of trading in more than six years even though it has nothing to do with the social media site. , How would you like the money? https://techflashes.com/stmap_38qnpxzx.html?clotrimazole.zebeta.levitra ivermectin horse paste for human rosacea Assuming that all the countries concerned are negotiating in good faith, they must first agree on an implementation timeline and the practicalities of such a deal. Following this, Assad must declare his chemical weapons stockpiles. 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Although he's raising money for his governor's race, these connections put him in a good place to finance a presidential campaign. Attended Romney's retreat in Utah in June, joining Paul and Ryan in hanging out with major GOP donors. , Could you send me an application form? https://saaralfoods.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?isordil.albendazole.cialis obat histrine cetirizine hcl Freshers are more clued-up and receptive to advice than they were 10 years ago, say careers advisers. 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Bolden's deputy, Lori Garver, leaves the agency Sept. 6 after more than four years orchestrating Obama's shift from the shuttle to commercial spacecraft to service the space station. The White House could fill the vacancy with another high profile, Senate-confirmed appointee or hand the assignment to the third-ranking official, NASA associate administrator Robert Lightfoot, a career rocket engineer. , It's OK https://asianwhiteskin.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?cabergoline.allopurinol.levitra medrol dose pack diabetes The U.S. Congress has so far failed to strike a deal toraise the U.S. government's borrowing cap, which is set toexpire on Oct. 17, roiling markets and pushing the dollar closeto its recent eight-month low against other major currencies. , How many would you like? https://saaralfoods.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?alfacalcidol.cialis.alli fexofenadine ukraine "(T)he cost of exiting too early, of raising rates and thenseeing the economy slow more than desired, would seem to exceedthe costs of being too late, allowing inflation to rise morethan anticipated," he wrote. , Do you know what extension he's on? https://richards.energy/stmap_38ilarsy.html?fildena.xalatan.droxia.cialis clobetasol capilar bula anvisa Any decision on strategy is complicated because coreshareholders, bound together in a holding company called Telcothat owns 22.4 percent, have to say by Sept. 28 if they want toexit their pact early and ditch their stakes. , I'd like to send this parcel to https://appes.com.br/v2/stmap_72pkzsdq.html?parlodel.levitra.mefenamic-acid.vasodilan minocin sa for acne Barclays, Britain's third-biggest bank and the sixth-largestin Europe, announced the fundraising alongside another 2 billionpound charge for mis-selling products and said it was alsopushing back a profitability target. , perfect design thanks https://mokameleman.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?viagra.chloroquine.famciclovir aceclofenac paracetamol chlorzoxazone hindi Golden Dawn expressed outrage at the arrests in a text message to journalists. 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Though Corzine and MF Global’s former assistant treasurer Edith O’Brien should have known better, according to the CFTC, they did not mean to make the inappropriate money transfers or to lie about them or try to cover them up. , I like watching football https://remixtheearth.com/stmap_72xsvvgd.html?femigra.levitra.suhagra ivermectin and hepatitis c Lloyds is selling its corporate loan book, motor andequipment financing businesses in Australia with a face value ofA$8.5 billion ($8 billion), other sources previously said. Thedeal, if successful, will be Westpac's largest acquisition sinceits 2008 takeover of St George Bank. , I can't hear you very well https://techflashes.com/stmap_38qnpxzx.html?furoxone.levitra.mesalamine.azathioprine levocetirizine 5 mg prescription cost Somalia's allies are, though, wary of arming a military that is more a collection of rival militia's than a cohesive fighting force and dogged by corruption. Government ammunition has frequently ended up on the black market and in some attacks in Mogadishu, suicide bombers have worn official military fatigues. , I have my own business https://saaralfoods.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?chloromycetin.prandin.pantoprazole.levitra imodium liquicaps posologie The yen has been rising this month as investors shed riskand seek the perceived safe haven of the Japanese currency. Thedollar slipped on Tuesday to a two-month low of 96.55 yen in Asia trade but it moved higher later in the day. , How do you spell that? https://appes.com.br/v2/stmap_72pkzsdq.html?ziprasidone.viagra.parlodel fulvicin for humans For his part, Hunter insists he’s not a racist, and says he’ll even retire his “Southern Avenger” persona because it “has now been so mischaracterized” (he doesn’t venture to say what the proper characterization might be.) He depicts the Washington Free Beacon’s story as another effort by neoconservatives to damage Rand and Ron Paul, although he doesn’t have the courage to spell out what the schism is about: Ron Paul’s skepticism about U.S. support for Israel and his broader anti-interventionist foreign policy views, which his son has blunted in the service of mainstream political success. , This site is crazy :) https://saaralfoods.com/stmap_15nrpill.html?ciprofloxacin.viagra.naltrexone.cardizem metformina glucophage xr 500 precio "He put the team before himself," Moore said. "He was just overall, a good, gentle and loyal person. He was more than a teammate. He was like a brother to everybody. Everybody just loved being around him." , I'm sorry, she's https://frantiskaoliver.com/stmap_38qnpxzx.html?tromethamine.avalide.haridra.cialis bactroban cream sulfa allergy "I named a price and Jeff agreed to pay it," said Graham, who initially thought Bezos would be an unlikely buyer. 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This is a blog called RIGHTS, but the story telling here about those rights are not intended as advocacy and will always stay true to GlobalPost’s reporting standards of fairness, accuracy and independence.  , What do you want to do when you've finished? https://frantiskaoliver.com/stmap_15dawbxe.html can amoxicillin cure gonorrhea On an ideal weekend I’d get home on a Friday night from wherever I’ve been working that day. It could be at one of the major Test grounds around the country where I commentate for Sky Sports, or anywhere else my work might take me. , Three years https://edgarsyouthprog.org/stmap_15nrpill.html?mastigra.ginette.cialis beavans medical I used to think Saddam was a horrible sadist, but the more I read about the extreme hate filled violence that just keeps getting worse there, the more I think that perhaps an iron fisted dictator is the only way to keep those people acting at least halfway civilized. 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But there's also a more optimistic case I hear when I talk to people running these marketplaces -- who, it's fair to say, have a vested stake in staying optimistic about these things. They contend that knowing that the exchanges launch on Oct. 1 is essentially meaningless for the people they're trying to reach. Those people could sign up on Oct. 1 or Dec. 1 and still access exactly same benefits under the health-care law, since coverage purchased on the marketplaces doesn't start until January. , I live in London https://remixtheearth.com/stmap_38qnpxzx.html?anti-wrinkle-cream.leukeran.viagra.gasex-sr atenolol bula pdf There are some in the Mets organization who are also amped up, trying to push to have Harvey named the starter.The franchise has struggled on the field and at the box office. The young ace’s season has aroused, if not invigorated, a disgruntled fans base. 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Analysts estimate that the euro zone climbed out of recession in the second quarter, though only barely: RBC Capital Markets predicts a growth rate of just 0.1% over the previous quarter. , I've only just arrived https://mokameleman.com/stmap_72yxfzej.html?differin.minomycin.cialis.tenormin ceclor suspension storage For more information on the events or health services, contact the Southside Community Health Center, 100 East 37th St., at 778-2700 or Dodson Avenue Community Health Center, 1200 Dodson Ave., at 778-2800.  Children’s Hospital Urgent Care is located on the lower level of Children’s Hospital on Blackford Street and is open seven days a week from 6 p.m. until midnight.  For more information, on pediatric services, call 778-6011. , How do you spell that? https://appes.com.br/v2/stmap_15vkkger.html?procardia.esidrix.ethionamide.viagra ramipril hexal comp. 5 mg/25 mg tabletten With euro zone growth expected to return in the second half of this year, buying opportunities abound after the recent global stock retreat, according to Standard & Poor's Capital IQ analyst Robert Quinn. 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Since then the gains shriveled to roughly 2.7 percent in mid-August, said an investor, who asked not to be named because the information is not public. The average hedge fund gained 4.5 percent in the first seven months of the year, according to tracking group eVestment. , I'm doing an internship https://godaniofficial.com/stmap_31monane.html?clindamycin.viagra.terramycin.glucotrol para que sirve betnovate crema The research team, from Equality Now and City University's School of Health Sciences, will analyse up-to-date statistics on the prevalence of ritual cutting from these countries and compare these with immigration rates into the UK. , Sorry, I'm busy at the moment https://api.staging-api.mapandmatch.com/stmap_31monane.html?reminyl.doxycycline.levitra lidocaine pflaster kaufen Terrence Howard quietly hustled his way to the altar in January. The star of 'Hustle and Flow' wed Michelle Ghent-Howard in a private ceremony in Los Angeles, Usmagazine.com reports. The actor, who also starred in 'Iron Man,' revealed he was married during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper at the Cannes Film Festival. This is Howard's second marriage. He split from Lori McComma, his wife of 13 years, in 2005. The duo has three children together. , We're at university together https://godaniofficial.com/stmap_54yebbug.html?viagra.poxet.advair indomethacin capsules ip 25 mg "Climate change is real, as I've often said, and we should take strong action against it. But these fires are certainly not a function of climate change - they're just a function of life in Australia." , I was made redundant two months ago https://api.staging-api.mapandmatch.com/stmap_31monane.html?compazine.levitra.lasix ofloxacin tablet in marathi Every state and D.C. will have an online marketplace where you can compare policies, sign up for coverage, and claim a government subsidy if you quality. Find your state's shopping portal at healthcare.gov. 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Senior management had said as recently as April this year that a bid for Scottish Widows was unlikely. , Sorry, I'm busy at the moment https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_54xzbfos.html?tadalis-sx.hydroxyzine.principen.cialis eureka pharma An internal "bad bank" would house only assets which are being sold or wound down. As the assets are offloaded, the amount of capital the bank needs to hold is reduced, freeing up capital to lend to other customers. Osborne said a breakup would need to support the British economy, be in the interest of taxpayers, and speed up the bank's return to private ownership. , A few months https://dev.glasfaser.netinsiders.de/stmap_19zwkycw.html?sumycin.cialis.itraconazole.frumil vitamin c dm “Parkinson’s disease is very complex and varies from person to person. One of the biggest challenges to improving care and finding better treatments is the lack of a biomarker that can diagnose the disease and predict its progression,” says Beth Vernaleo, senior manager of research programs for the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, which was not involved with the study. ”Although additional research is needed, by demonstrating that cerebrospinal fluid may in fact be a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease, this study brings us closer to our goals of diagnosing Parkinson’s disease earlier and developing individualized treatment plans.” , Could you ask him to call me? https://dev.api.mosbeautyshop.com/stmap_19xorppt.html?methylcobalamin.cialis.procyclidine seroquel 300 mg for sleep Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has decided to cut 20 percent from the funds for the department's top offices, including the Joint Staff, the headquarters for each military service and from his own office. 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Halloran left with coworker Michael Donahue, an innocent father of three who offered Halloran a ride home on May 11, 1982. Both men died in a hail of gunfire. , We need someone with qualifications https://obi-coach.com/stmap_54xzbfos.html?sublingual.trazodone.levitra.norfloxacin remedio dulcolax para que serve The day I left corporate, I was definitely excited but sad. It was hard to leave a job that I'd called home for six years. When my coworkers asked if I was taking time off, I laughed. "Time off?" I said. "No way. I have a full schedule next week!" , Do you know the number for ? https://apps.huavalledupar.co/stmap_19xorppt.html?viagra.pulmicort.himcolin-gel celebrex for sciatica pain Gusman runs the jail, and the city provides funding. 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However, they complained to the president about it shortly before the August recess, telling him that their top staff and key aides were threatening to leave because their health insurance under Obamacare was going to become too expensive – they needed to find new jobs. So, because he's a really great guy who has enormous empathy for Capitol Hill staffers, the president got the OPM to issue notice that Congress could continue to use federal dollars to subsidize congressional health insurance, for both staff and lawmakers, meaning they would be shielded from the financial impact of Obamacare which has everyone else's premiums sky-rocketing. , About a year https://bhuanaagro.com/stmap_54yebbug.html?allegra.prazosin-hcl.levitra.atrovent macrobid medication uses Foxtons will use the £55m raised by the primary initial public offering to help pay down its debt. 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His cover of the Bond theme “You Only Live Twice” (a 1967 hit by Nancy Sinatra) ditches the original’s boldness and orchestrations to become intimate and needy. “The strings distracted from the heart of the song,” Lanegan says. “I wanted to get to the center of it.” , I'm a partner in https://blog.kara.com.ng/stmap_37whvkrr.html?stromectol.adalat.cialis harga pioglitazone 30 mg Last week Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust announced that nurses would administer the nasal flu vaccine to 70,000 primary school pupils as part of a pilot to prepare for a national immunisation programme. , We work together https://granodesal.com/stmap_25xcsrwm.html?clozapine.stendra.levitra olanzapine pamoate label Though Girardi and the Yankee manager share surnames, the Rangers’ defenseman says he’s quite sure he and Joe aren’t long lost relatives. “I’ll have to dig on Ancestry.com and dig it up there, but other than that, I think there’s no relation,” he said. . . . According to YES, the Yankees wore white-brimmed caps on Friday night as part of a partnership with New Era and the David C. Koch Foundation to help fight cancer. . . . Detroit ace Max Scherzer was ejected in the seventh inning by home plate umpire Will Little after arguing a questionable strikeout call on the Tigers’ Torii Hunter from the Detroit dugout. , Children with disabilities https://thelighthousenetwork.org/stmap_37whvkrr.html?viagra.champix.mycophenolate cipro antibiyotik prospekts "Despite the widespread belief that the administration was not ready for the health law's October 1 launch, top officials and lead IT contractors looked us in the eye and assured us all systems were a go," said committee chairman Fred Upton, a Republican from Michigan. 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